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Technology of
Wound Treatment

Laserobaria 2.0 S urządzenie Inventmed


LASEROBARIA 2.0_S is a device manufactured by INVENTMED Ltd. that uses technology in:

  • generation of sinusoidal, rectangular, triangular and half-wave waveforms at different frequencies to produce an Pulsed electromagnetic field
  • the ability to adjust the illumination power for red or ultraviolet light
  • production of oxygen overpressure – topical oxygen therapy (oxygen therapy)
  • production of an atmosphere with increased ozone content – topical ozone therapy (ozone therapy)


  • of different ages
  • with different physical abilities, with mobility limitations and disabilities,
  • who weigh no more than 150 kg due to the permissible load of the couch.
Zestaw Laserobaria 2.0 S urządzenia Inventmed

Power and control unit

With a simple interface, it allows
for easy dosage and monitoring
of the treatment process.

Due to its compact size
and high mobility - easy to install
in any office

Therapeutic Chamber
The special design ensures
even dosage of all
applied therapeutic agents within the
the treated limb, protecting
against the emission of interference and waves
outside the chamber,
enabling safe and comfortable
conducting treatments.


Hiperbaryczna terapia tlenowa - Laserobaria Inventmed


  • It improves tissue regeneration and wound healing in atherosclerosis, venous thromboembolism, and diabetic foot.
  • It is used in the treatment of complications after soft tissue and bone radiotherapy and injuries, including in competitive sports.
  • Promotes neovascularization, or the formation of new vessels in the event of injury or disease (better blood flow)
  • Reduces inflammation.

Oxygen therapy is one of the most effective methods of delivering oxygen to all body cells. By penetrating oxygen through the skin or wound and increasing its content in the tissue, it promotes physiological repair processes (dependent on tissue oxygen levels). The use of pressure higher than atmospheric pressure deprives oxygen of its physiological barriers to penetration through tissue, allowing oxygen to penetrate areas with poor blood supply, such as wounds.

Oxygen penetrates not only red blood cells – its concentration also increases in the plasma, lymphatic system and cerebrospinal fluid. As a result, physiological processes in the patient’s body are improved. The consequence is improved tissue regeneration and accelerated wound healing.


  • pregnancy
  • cancer
  • severe general infections


  • Ozone is a powerful bactericide, fungicide and viruicide. The biocidal and virucidal effects of ozone are crucial in the treatment and prevention of infected wounds.
  • Prevents the re-aggregation of fungi, viruses and bacteria.
  • It oxygenates the cells, improving metabolism in them.
  • It improves oxygen transport and blood flow.
  • Increases oxygen uptake by tissues.

Ozone therapy is one of the most effective treatments. Ozone is the most potent bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal agent. It oxygenates cells, has a detoxifying effect, improves cellular metabolism, improves blood circulation, reduces clumping of red blood cells, improves oxygen transport and blood flow, and the red cells themselves tend to “clump” less. It increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, destroys fungi, bacteria, viruses and prevents their reproduction.


  • pregnancy
  • cancer
  • severe general infections
  • upper respiratory tract inflammation
Hiperbaryczna terapia tlenowa - Laserobaria Inventmed
Magnetoterapia - Laserobaria Inventmed


  • Beneficially affects tissue respiration and regeneration processes. Causes increased oxygen uptake by tissues.
  • It has a strong analgesic effect, through its anti-inflammatory and anti-oedematous effects, combined with the enhancement of betaendorphin secretion processes.
  • It acts on the structures of cell membranes by changing their properties, incites an immune enzymatic response.
  • It has a positive effect on collagen and creatine formation.
  • It improves the pH of water in the body.

Magnetotherapy effectively accelerates the regeneration of diseased tissues, relieves pain and has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. Penetrating the human body, it reaches every cell and thus produces a variety of positive effects. It acts on collagen, creatine and other proteins to stimulate cell movement, changes the pH of the water contained in the body, the rate of crystallization, the concentration of dissolved gases in it (such as oxygen), thus giving the water antibacterial properties.


  • pregnancy
  • cancer
  • active tuberculosis
  • juvenile diabetes
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • gastrointestinal bleeding
  • severe infections
  • The presence of electronic implants (e.g., pacemaker, brain stimulator)
  • The presence of implants containing metals and with dressings doped with silver or other agents that are heated in a magnetic field


  • Stimulates the natural healing processes of the skin
  • It promotes pain reduction.

During the treatment, different wavelengths are absorbed by the skin, stimulating the skin’s natural healing processes and reducing pain.

Red light increases the flow of blood and oxygen, causes the production of oxygen free radicals acting destructively on bacteria. Light therapy is very effective in treating skin ulcers caused by diabetes.
Red light wavelength range: 600 -700 nm (635 nm optimal)

Ultraviolet light is used in this therapy as a supportive germicidal agent
Ultraviolet light wavelength range: 310 – 400 nm

This form of therapy is traditionally described as laser therapy, but the actual technology used is Laser Equivalent Led because it uses light generated by light emitting diodes. This therapy is invaluable if only for the treatment of diabetic foot.


  • pregnancy and lactation
  • active skin infections
  • strong tan
  • use of photosensitizing drugs
  • unstabilized diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  • susceptibility to discoloration
  • vitiligo or psoriasis
  • high fever
  • ischemic heart disease


  • UV allergic reactions,
  • Acute skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis),
  • lupus erythematosus,
  • The presence of photochemical (ultraviolet) erythema,
  • skin grafts
  • Skin damage from ionizing radiation,
  • Fever (contraindication for full-body irradiation
Światło czerwone i ultrafioletowe - Laserobaria Inventmed


Jednoczesne leczenie przy użyciu magnetoterapii, ozonoterapii, tlenoterapii oraz afototerapii pozwala na przyspieszenie procesu gojenia się rany i wyleczenie znacznie poważniejszych przypadków niż inne metody leczenia.

Simultaneous treatment with  magnetotherapy, ozone therapy, oxygen therapy and phototherapy can accelerate the wound healing process and cure much more severe cases than other treatment methods.

The final decision to include a particular factor and determine its intensity is made by the doctor, taking into account the condition of the Patient. It is very important that the device allows personalization of therapy and selection of single or use of all factors, depending on the needs and conditions of the Patient. The fact that he is limited to one of the selected factors, e.g. red light in the initial phase of treatment of an infected wound, does not disqualify him from therapy with the implementation of the remaining factors. Thus, the device can be designed for wide use, maximizing the therapeutic benefits for the Patient.


  • The doctor consults the patient during the qualifying visit, determines the details of the treatment process, in which one of the methods used is the use of Laserobaria 2.0 S treatments.
  • During the visit, the doctor determines the parameters of Laserobaria 2.0 S therapy (the amount and duration of application of topical oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, red light therapy, ultraviolet light therapy, magnetic field therapy) – the data is written out on the referral template.
  • The patient makes an appointment through registration for a series of treatments.
  • Before each laserobaria session, a nurse or other medical personnel cleans the wound. Then programs the device according to the parameters on the referral.
  • A sterile sealing tunnel is placed on the treated limb, allowing the application of individual therapeutic agents in high concentrations. This allows for local therapy – to the area that actually needs exposure, without stressing the entire body.
  • In a single treatment session, ozone, oxygen, red light and ultraviolet light, and an pulsed electromagnetic field are applied to the damaged skin in separate therapies.
  • At the end of the session, the nurse applies a new dressing to the patient.
  • After completing the series of treatments, the patient comes for a follow-up visit
Światło czerwone i ultrafioletowe - Laserobaria Inventmed

Phototherapy, with red light and ultraviolet light

Magnetoterapia - Laserobaria Inventmed

Innovative magnetotherapy

Hiperbaryczna terapia tlenowa - Laserobaria Inventmed

topical ozone and oxygen therapy

Healed wound


  • innovation – the only device in the world providing a combination of 4 therapeutic agents,
  • low invasiveness due to topical application , without burdening the whole body,
  • Personalization of therapy – selecting the timing and intensity of each individual factor according to the patient’s stage of treatment,
  • A holistic approach through combined therapy of four therapeutic agents,
  • High mobility provided by the use of large, lockable wheels,
  • Low operating costs and low electricity consumption,
  • easy-to-use interface,
  • can be used even in small rooms (20 sqm)
  • design amenities such as: treatment couch compatible with the device, allowing support of the healthy limb, smooth adjustment of the backrest and headrest, shelf for oxygen concentrator