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Technology of
Wound Treatment

Laserobaria 2.0 S urządzenie Inventmed


In the current state of technological and medical development, classical hyperbaric treatment applied in a hyperbaric chamber requires an investment of 5 million PLN [€1.2 million]. In addition, it does not offer the possibility of combined therapy – treatment with oxygen, ozone, magnetic field and light. No company on the market offers competitive solutions, only partial application of single agents. In addition, therapies using pharmacological agents and dressings are used, which, when applied alone, have a much slower effect on tissue regeneration. The patient loses valuable time. Time that is often not available when amputation is at risk. The use of physical therapies developed by INVENTMED complements conventional therapy and dramatically speeds up the healing process, often becoming the patient’s only chance to preserve a limb.


For centers interested in expanding their offerings with Laserobaria 2.0_S services, we have prepared three models of business cooperation:

Zakup urządzenia Laserobaria


Purchase of the device, including:

  • professional training in the use of the device and the application of therapeutic methods
  • sterile kits for START – a package of 30 sterile kits to be used for first therapies
  • INCLUDING 6 MONTHS OF MERITORIAL SUPPORT for consultations on detailed determination of therapy parameters and application of specific therapeutic agents for specific disease entities


rental of the device with a monthly subscription at a fixed amount for the use of the device and carrying out therapies regardless of the number of therapies performed in a given month. It includes:

  • professional training in the use of the device and the application of therapeutic methods
  • 3 hours per month of MERITORIAL SUPPORT in the area of consultations on the detailed establishment of therapy parameters and the application of individual therapeutic agents for specific disease entities
  • the possibility of buying the device at any stage of use
Najem urządzenia Laserobaria
Opłata jednostkowa za każdą wykonaną sesję terapeutyczną urządzenia Laserobaria


unit fee for each therapy session performed (all four therapeutic factors can be applied in one session). Includes:

  • a fixed fee for making the device available in the amount of PLN 1,000 net per month – the amount to be used for billing individual sessions
  • professional training in the use of the device and the application of therapeutic methods –
    3 hours per month of MERITORIAL SUPPORT in the area of consultations regarding the detailed establishment of therapy parameters and the application of individual therapeutic agents for specific disease entities
  • the possibility of buying the device at any stage of use
Wdrożenie innowacyjnej metody leczenia w placówce medycznej

Porozmawiajmy o współpracy


Ośrodki które poszerzyły swoją ofertę o Laserobarię 2.0_S

Ośrodki Laserobaria - Łódź CitoNet

CitoNet Łódź