Lecture by prof.A.Sieronia during the XV Congress of the Angiological Society
Prof. Aleksander Sieroń, MD, as a national consultant in the field of angiology, gave a lecture “Laserobaria in the treatment of leg ulcers” during the XV Congress of the Angiological Society (XV Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Angiologicznego). During the lecture, Prof. Sieroń discussed the cases of his patients whose wounds were treated using the Laserobaria 2.0_S device. Its results were based on a population of 52 patients whose previous treatment of chronic wounds did not bring the expected results. The professor presented the use of four therapeutic parameters in the form of oxygen at high pressure, ozone, variable magnetic fields, and phototherapy. The configuration of their use depended on individual factors such as the degree of infection of the wound or its extent. The results included control of the infection, reduced pain, and healing of the wound.