Male, age: 54

Wound of the left lower leg. Concurrent drug treatment. History of varicose veins for many years. Clinical picture: visible two wounds on the lower leg with swelling of the limb and large trophic changes involving the entire lower leg. Small wounds on the foot between the toes and on the sole. Physical therapy was recommended. Laser therapy was recommended

The first phase applied:

  • Ozone: 15min
  • Field: 5Hz, 4mT, triangular waveform, 10min
  • Oxygen: 500Pa, 30min
  • Red Light: 0.42J/cm^2, 5min.

In the next phase, it was applied:

  • Ozone: 15 min
  • Oxygen: 500Pa, 25 min
  • Red light: 0.84 J/cm^2, 10 min.

After the first few sessions, an analgesic effect was obtained, reducing swelling. The healing process as shown in the images below.

Wound before treatment

Wound before treatment

Wound after the first treatment cycle

Wound after the first treatment cycle

Wound during the second cycle

Wound during the second cycle

Wound 14 days after the end of the third cycle

Wound 14 days after the end of the third cycle

Laserobaria casy study rany na stopie przed sesją
Laserobaria casy study rany na stopie po sesji
Laserobaria casy study rany na palcach u dłoni przed sesją
Laserobaria casy study rany na palcach u dłoni po sesji
Laserobaria casy study niemowlak przed sesją
Laserobaria casy study niemowlak po sesji


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